Using technology developed for partners including the NFL, Van Wagner can deliver a completely customized and secure live broadcast graduation ceremony in a matter of days.
Using a one-way uplink system and our team of professional producers, our platform will allow for a live event featuring individual speakers in different locations, a master of ceremonies, student reaction shots, professional graphics, live production, video packages, and photo montages. Students, parents, and loved ones can participate from the safety of their own homes.

Our Virtual Graduation platform capabilities:
A Secure System: A live and safe network with all participants communicating directly with the main hub, ensuring a protected presentation that’s free of intrusion or manipulation by individuals.
Fully Produced Presentation: A package including videos, graphics, and lower thirds featuring both speakers and individual graduate recognitions.
Seamless Live Distribution: Ready for broadcast or streaming on a variety of platforms with easy archive options for digital distribution to graduates and families.
Flexibility & Customization: Individual sources can be combined in any configuration, all from each individual’s safe location. An event tailored to your program, traditions, and graduates.
Point-to-Point Communication: Van Wagner’s experienced production team will produce and run the event live.
Social Media Integration: Ability to engage with moderated social media interaction, including unique #hashtags, photos, and messages.
While nothing can completely replace an in-person graduation ceremony, Van Wagner can help your institution bring your graduates and their families a professional, safe, and engaging ceremony worthy of their accomplishments.
It will be an event your school can be proud of.
Every Virtual Graduation will be completely customized to the institution’s specific needs and program. Below is a sample program that features traditional elements of a graduation. Segments featuring such items as speakers, video presentations, montages, award-winners, etc. can be created as one section of the graduation presentation.
The section in which students are called out individually for earning their diplomas can be segmented at the tail end of the main presentation to allow for multiple sessions (e.g. Per school or discipline or by alphabet in order to manage the overall number of students).
10:00 School Video Presentation
15:00 Special Recognitions and Award Winners
25:00 Student Speaker
30:00 Graduation Address
40:00 Individual Student Diploma Introduction (Lower Third Name; Student Profile Graphics)
120:00 Closing Remarks
Van Wagner has over 40 years experience running live event production for the biggest events in sports and education. Our team was behind the first-ever remote NFL Draft, delivering a seamless experience featuring over 200 individual feeds from hundreds of locations across the country.
Serving as the main hub for incoming feeds from GMs, coaches, entertainers, and NFL staff, Van Wagner’s team ensured that Draft went on as scheduled, and Commissioner Goodell could announce NFL Draft picks from the safety of his basement. Van Wagner will bring the same team, technology, and security protocols to your event.